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EVE Developer Documentation

Crowdsourced documentation for third-party developers

ID Ranges

A lot of entities in EVE have a sequential identifier. These identifiers are grouped into ranges based on the type of entity they represent. This document lists the ranges and the entities they represent.

The ranges are inclusive, meaning that the first and last ID in the range are valid IDs, however (except ID 0), the first ID is generally not used.

Keep in mind it is not possible to tell if an ID is a character, as characters created before 2010-11-03 share ID ranges with other entities (corporations and alliances).

From To Description
0 9,999 System items (including junkyards and other special purpose items)
500,000 599,999 Factions
1,000,000 1,999,999 NPC corporations
3,000,000 3,999,999 NPC characters (agents and NPC corporation CEO's)
9,000,000 9,999,999 Universes
10,000,000 19,999,999 Regions
10,000,000 10,999,999 New Eden (known space) regions
11,000,000 11,999,999 Wormhole regions
12,000,000 12,999,999 Abyssal regions
14,000,000 14,999,999 Void regions
20,000,000 29,999,999 Constellations
20,000,000 20,999,999 New Eden (known space) constellations
21,000,000 21,999,999 Wormhole constellations
22,000,000 22,999,999 Abyssal constellations
24,000,000 24,999,999 Void constellations
30,000,000 39,999,999 Solar systems
30,000,000 30,999,999 New Eden (known space) solar systems
31,000,000 31,999,999 Wormhole solar systems
32,000,000 32,999,999 Abyssal systems
34,000,000 34,999,999 Void systems
40,000,000 49,999,999 Celestials (suns, planets, moons, asteroid belts)
50,000,000 59,999,999 Stargates
60,000,000 63,999,999 Stations
60,000,000 60,999,999 Stations created by CCP
61,000,000 63,999,999 Stations created from outposts
66,000,000 67,999,999 Station folders of corporation offices
68,000,000 68,999,999 Station folders for stations created by CCP
69,000,000 69,999,999 Station folders for stations created from outposts
70,000,000 79,999,999 Asteroids
80,000,000 80,099,999 Control Bunkers
81,000,000 81,999,999 WiS Promenades
82,000,000 84,999,999 Planetary Districts
90,000,000 97,999,999 EVE characters created between 2010-11-03 and 2016-05-30
98,000,000 98,999,999 EVE corporations created after 2010-11-03
99,000,000 99,999,999 EVE alliances created after 2010-11-03
100,000,000 2,099,999,999 EVE characters, corporations and alliances created before 2010-11-03
2,100,000,000 2,111,999,999 DUST characters, EVE characters created after 2016-05-30
2,112,000,000 2,129,999,999 EVE characters created after 2016-05-30