Dev Insights Blog

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By: Team Tech Co

Published: 2018-06-15

Breaking Changes to /characters/names and /corporation/names

Breaking Changes to /characters/names and /corporations/names

Over the past day it has come to Team Tech Co's attention that a few ESI routes are backed by poorly optimized software patterns. Some of these routes can and will be fixed with no disruption, but not all of them.

Now that Team Tech Co. is aware of the problem we want to rectify it swiftly. On Monday, June 18th 2018, we will be removing four routes. Two of these follow our standard promotion mechanism, whereby their legacy versions will be removed and their latest versions will be served on both latest and legacy. However, it will be necessary to remove two routes that, up until now, have been considered fully functional (albeit with their functionality fully replaced by a different route).

Of the routes you need to know about, they are:

  • All versions of /characters/names/

  • All versions of /corporations/names/

  • /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallet/journal/

  • /v3/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/

The functionality of all versions of the /names routes is combined, extended and fully replaced by /v2/universe/names. If you are currently using the above routes you will need to migrate them to the /universe/names/ route.

The listed specific versions of the /wallet routes are already deprecated and their latest versions are not affected by the same undesirable patterns. Unless you are using the legacy versions of the listed /wallet routes you will not need to take any action. If you are unfamiliar with ESI route versioning please read this blog.


-- Team Tech Co

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