Community tools and services
Obligatory disclaimer
Please note that the table below contains a list of community projects and services that are not officially supported by CCP Games. We acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the developers who have created these services and give them a soapbox to promote their services. However, we do not endorse or guarantee the services listed below. If you have any questions or concerns about a service listed below, please contact the service creator directly.
Service Name | Creator |
RIFT Intel Fusion Tool | Nohus |
Sample Service | Developer McDeveloperface |
Other tools and resources
Name | Description | Creator |
Sample Tool | Crowd-sourced documentation | Developer McDeveloperface |
Submitting a Service
If you would like to list your service here, please submit a pull request to this repository, adding your service to the table above, and creating a sub-page in this directory with more information about your service. Use the file in src/docs/community/sample-service/
as a template.
- Your service must be directly related to EVE Online.
- Your service adheres to the EVE Online Developer License Agreement.
- Your service must be publicly accessible.
- The creator of the service has an account in good standing.
- (Bonus) Your service is open source.
As always, we reserve the right to remove any service from this list at any time for any reason, or decline to add a service to this list.
A note about search
You might have noticed the search exclusion marker in the template file.
This part is required.
While we want to keep a list of community services, the primary function of this documentation site is to provide access to information about the EVE Online third-party development ecosystem. Adding community services to the search index would dilute the search results and make it harder for developers to find the information they need.
If a service is deemed to be of particular interest to the community, one of the documentation maintainers may choose to remove this exclusion.
Adding images to your service page
If you want to add images to your service page, be sure to add them to the same directory as your service page. Please keep the images small and optimized for the web, no larger than 250KB or 1024x768 pixels. Also try to limit the amount of images you use on a single page, preferably no more than 10 unless necessary.
Submitting a tool or resource
If you would like to list your tool or resource here, please submit a pull request to this repository, adding your tool or resource to the table above. Please keep the description of your tool or resource brief and to the point. If your tool or resource is big enough that you feel it needs its own page, this can be arranged, but please have a discussion about this on discord.
Tools vs. Services
The general rule of thumb is that if your project is something that a developer would use to build something else, it's a tool or a resource. If it's something that an end user would use directly, i.e. by installing it themselves, or through something already hosted, it's a service.