Dev Insights Blog

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By: Team Tech Co

Published: 2017-05-26

Caution: AccountStatus.xml.aspx Deprecated and Unreliable

Currently, the XML API endpoint /account/AccountStatus.xml.aspx is returning unreliable data. This endpoint has been officially deprecated since November 2016. Team Tech Co. has decided that this issue is not considered a "critical bug". As such, there are no plans to make changes to the endpoint to fix this issue (per our announcement here). The reasons we did not class it as such are:

  • Account level information will not be available in ESI.

  • Players receive notification e-mails directly from CCP if their non-recurring subscription is approaching expiry.

  • This endpoint's original intent is no longer relevant, as players are not prevented from logging into EVE if their Omega status lapses.

Despite being deprecated and unreliable, we will be leaving the endpoint active so as to not disrupt applications that would break if it was removed. We strongly caution against relying on this endpoint. We again remind third party developers that this information will not be provided to third party developers upon termination of the XML API, and that you should be removing all usage of the XML API from your applications going forward.