Dev Insights Blog

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By: CCP Tellus

Published: 2015-08-06

Chat Channel Information Now Available in XML API

A new endpoint to the XML API is deployed on Tranquility.

Chat Channels

List of player chat channels you have created or are an operator of are exposed through the new endpoint char/ChatChannels.xml.aspx. It includes a list of characters, corporations, and alliances that have been allowed, blocked, muted, or been made an operator of the respective chat channel.

New access masks are required for access to this endpoint. None of your existing API keys will have access to this endpoint without first updating them and explicitly granting access to chat channels. The new access mask is 536870912.

Example XML

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <eveapi version="2"> <currentTime>2015-08-07 14:48:08</currentTime> <result> <rowset name="channels" key="channelID" columns="ownerID,ownerName,displayName,comparisonKey,hasPassword,motd"> <row channelID="-69329950" ownerID="95578451" ownerName="CCP Tellus" displayName="Players' Haven" comparisonKey="players'haven" hasPassword="False" motd="<b>Feed pineapples to the cats!</b>"> <rowset name="allowed" key="accessorID" columns="accessorName"> <row accessorID="99005629" accessorName="Tellus Alliance" /> </rowset> <rowset name="blocked" key="accessorID" columns="accessorName,untilWhen,reason"> <row accessorID="98396389" accessorName="Tellus Corporation" untilWhen="0001-01-01 00:00:00" reason="" /> </rowset> <rowset name="muted" key="accessorID" columns="accessorName,untilWhen,reason"> <row accessorID="90006031" accessorName="CCP Nestor" untilWhen="2015-08-07 15:17:40" reason="Test success! You can't speak now." /> </rowset> <rowset name="operators" key="accessorID" columns="accessorName"> <row accessorID="92168909" accessorName="CCP FoxFour" /> <row accessorID="95465499" accessorName="CCP Bartender" /> </rowset> </row> </rowset> </result> <cachedUntil>2015-08-07 15:45:08</cachedUntil> </eveapi>

~~ CCP Tellus