Dev Insights Blog

Updates, tips, and stories to keep you in the loop

By: CCP Zoetrope

Published: 2017-07-21

ESI Swagger Codegen Issues and Workarounds

This blog addresses an inconsistency [1] with a tool used within our previous blog: Using Swagger Codegen to Generate a Client API. In the previous blog we chronicled how to generate an ESI client library for Python using the Swagger Editor or curling the endpoint (which the Swagger Editor uses). However, it's been...

By: CCP SnowedIn

Published: 2017-06-26

ESI and optional booleans

Greetings space developers, Just wanted to send out a short update to notify everyone of a behavioral change in ESI. By the time you're reading this, ESI will have stopped sending optional boolean attributes when they are not True. If a spec has the boolean as required, the value will always be sent. Otherwise the key/value will only be sent if the...

By: CCP Zoetrope

Published: 2017-06-08

ESI Tutorial: Using Swagger Codegen to Generate a Client API

This blog post is part of a series of blogs examining best practices for ESI development. Each blog will be published on the 8th of each month during the journey towards XML API and CREST’s termination date. The legacy APIs will be terminated on May 8th, 2018, or earlier if metrics signal a trivial level of usage. Here on this blog we regularly...

By: Team Tech Co

Published: 2017-05-26

Caution: AccountStatus.xml.aspx Deprecated and Unreliable

Currently, the XML API endpoint /account/AccountStatus.xml.aspx is returning unreliable data. This endpoint has been officially deprecated since November 2016. Team Tech Co. has decided that this issue is not considered a "critical bug". As such, there are no plans to make changes to the endpoint to fix this issue (per our announcement here). The...

By: CCP Bartender

Published: 2017-05-05

Changes to the public citadel endpoint

Greetings all! On Tuesday 9th of May, Team Tech Co will be releasing a behavior change to the /universe/structures/ endpoint. This change will affect all versions of the endpoint, and although it will not change the specification of the endpoint (so you won't need to update your code), you may wish to know about how the behavior changed and why....

By: CCP Bartender

Published: 2017-02-01

Breaking changes and you - How to use alt-routes to enhance your sanity

Afternoon developers! We've mentioned it before, but I'd like to give everyone a clear best-practices guide to how to use alt-routes in ESI to maintain application stability against a constantly evolving API. Schedule of breaking changes Before I get into that though, we previously said we'd be updating a forum thread with all planned breaking...

By: CCP Bartender

Published: 2017-01-24

ESI Mail Scopes Are Now Released

Greetings developers! Team Tech Co. is pleased to announce that all mails scopes (esi-mail.organize_mail.v1, esi-mail.read_mail.v1, and esi-mail.send_mail.v1) have now been released and are available for general use. We're excited to see what everyone does with them! (Thunderbird plugin, I want to believe!) However, I'd like to drop a quick...

By: CCP Bartender

Published: 2016-12-07

Technical Note: Character ID Ranges

Greetings developers, Quick info dump here. Up until now, all character ID's have been totally sequential and existed in rigidly defined ID ranges. In support of the influx of new players from the Ascension release, we are laying the groundwork to move characters into a non-sequential range (much like citadel ID's). More news on that will come next...

By: Team Tech Co

Published: 2016-11-08

Introducing the ESI API

The EVE Swagger Interface is a new framework developed by Team Tech Co to underpin the new ESI API. If you don't know what this is, you should go here to read the blog Introducing ESI - A new API for EVE Online. This blog will dive a little deeper into the design and technical specifics of ESI, going to get into the base design of ESI to explain a...

By: CCP Tellus

Published: 2016-10-20

Legacy SDE discontinued

Greetings capsuleers! Along with the release of the Citadel expansion several months back, we improved upon the Static Data Export (SDE) by converting the remaining SQL data to YAML files. To aid in the transition and to give 3rd party developers time to migrate over to the new format, we had provided SDE builds in the old format alongside the new...

By: CCP Bartender

Published: 2016-09-02

YC118.8 CREST Features

Greetings all! There are some new and resurrected features coming to CREST in the YC118.8 release. New remote client UI feature: open mail template Resource: /characters/<characterID>/ui/openwindow/newmail/ As part of our ongoing work on smoothing the transition away from the IGB removal, the /characters/<characterID>/ui/openwindow/newmail/...

By: CCP Bartender

Published: 2016-07-04

Reminder to Developers: No Scamming

Hello Developers We just wanted to remind you that using any of our tools that require you to sign the Developer License Agreement to scam other players is against the terms of the developer agreement. This includes the use of the SSO or other authed CREST endpoints. The relevant part is below 2. Grant of License 3. Developer acknowledges and...